Architect Made Optimist & Pessimist

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Hans Bølling created both the Optimist & Pessimist characters, having been inspired by his co-workers, who were like night and day, yin and yang, truly exact opposites. There is, however, a bit of each in all of us. The Optimist and the Pessimist remind us of this quality within us and together they create a stability much needed in the every-day life.
What is more, both characters can express much more than positivity or negativity. The Pessimist features droopy eyes, while the Optimist has a big smile on his face and both feature bendable arms that can exclaim in joy or lower in frown.
Whether you are one or the other, the Optimist and the Pessimist express the possibility of change of your perception, depending on your current state of mind.
Available online and instore at Kiitos Living by Design.